Do you know the daily game "wordle"?  

You have to guess the hidden word in 6 tries and the color of the letters changes to show how close you are. Everyone is given the same word daily, and after 24 hours, the word changes

There is a version for kids. 

These are the rules: 

1. You have to guess the Wordle in six goes or less 

 2. Every word you enter must be in the word list. (It's based on a dictionary)

 3. A correct letter turns green 

4. A correct letter in the wrong place turns yellow 

5. An incorrect letter turns gray 

6. Letters can be used more than once 






1 comment:

  1. This is a great recommendation. I've been struggling with the fact that I can only play Wordle once a day, but these games allow me to play continuously. Sometimes, when I've used up all my attempts and still can't figure it out, I'll use this website to find the daily Wordle answer. https://wordletoday.cc/


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