Watch these videos to learn about Carnivores, Herbivores and Omnivores
Practice with these games

Please, do feed the animals
Help feed the animals by sorting them so they'll get the right food. To play, begin by clicking on each food picture.

Ayuda a alimentar a los animales clasificándolos para que obtengan la comida adecuada. Para jugar, comienza haciendo clic en las columnas: Hervibore, Omnivore, Carnivore y después pincha en "Play"

Animal Diet Game
When an animal appears, click on the correct button... Herbivore, Omnivore or Carnivore. When you get it right, the animal will start eating

Cuando un animal aparezca, haz click en la etiqueta correcta (Herbivore, Omnivore or Carnivore... si aciertas, el animal empezará a comer

Do these quizzes below to know what you have learned

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